Saturday, October 13, 2007

oh curious rambling, I have not forsaken you...

I haven't forgotten about this blog, though I'm sure its readers have. That's okay. The reason I haven't written in so long is because a. I've been busy updating the travel blog and b. Having difficulty separating traveling me from Canada/normal/person with roots me. I don't know why I'm still so esoteric in terms of blogland but I still have a difficult time just letting it all hang out, spouting my mouth off because this is a forum for doing so, but it's not just in blog land that this issue raises its ugly head.

I wish I could say it as I feel it. I wish I had the answers for the questions that still plague me. I wish I could get over it, that, this, you, me, the weather, the government, etc. Maybe I'm just weak. Maybe I'm just sad. Maybe I'm just a storytelling of hearts, all beating in 3/4.

I don't know what I am. Isn't that what it's all about, though? Finding out? And to think my rambling would come to this.