Saturday, May 10, 2008

journey not destination...

This year has seen a lot of destinations. Exotic ones. Historical ones. Gong show ones.

But there's one destination that I haven't yearned seriously about until now...


In six weeks I will be home. Do I remember the last time I thought this? No. Not really. In fact there was once a time when I thought, just how much more could be different when I come home? That time I came back to new home/new dad/new life but that all turned out pretty darn good, didn't it? So here's what I hope, this time when I go home I hope that nothing has changed. I hope that my parents love me as much as they did when I left. I hope the Vernon summer is as spectacular as I remember it. I hope that having tea out on the veranda watching the pheasant skulk around with binoculars peering at Stevo's from across the lake, waiting for a perfect day for pull the purse, swimming past the shore-line murk with the dogs in tow, Canada Day, my friends, my family, my dogs.

As sad as I am to leave this place, the destination remains the same.

Volver. Go home.

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