Monday, January 29, 2007

A Case of You...

This is just a teaser, and since I'm now addicted to blogging and Megan encourages multiple posts, I will indulge. That tune, A Case of You by the glorious Joni Mitchell, brings tears to my eyes and in imagining who I could drink a case of, I get the shivers.

There's a few works out there that will never be matched. Things that are so perfect, so unique, so transcendent that words don't really do them justice. They are the works of genius that make everyone else's attempts feel mediocre and impotent, fallow and desolate, utterly, desperately futile. That song is one of them. There's just nothing that we would change.

It is a challenge that lies sleepily in us all, to create one of these works, inspite of the bullocks we do in the meantime. Let me just say, I am well aware that this blog is not one of those things.

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