Saturday, May 12, 2007

lest we not play that old, haggard game again...

It's been a month since I last blogged. I guess that's bad. I guess I'm not as fervent a blogger as I once thought. It has been a lovely month. I so enjoyed my sojourn to Ireland, Scotland and England and am happy to have returned safe and sound to the homeland.

I am pledging to myself to stop playing this haggard game we play of "oh weren't these the best times when?" or "how I wish it were this other time/place/life situation" or some variation of those. I refuse this retrospective 20/20 thing. It just makes us sad and miss what is happening before our very eyes. Would we have done anything differently, if given the opportunity? Probably not. Maybe we would have cried more, kissed more, laughed more, drank more, smoked more, prayed more, loved more. Maybe not. But we'll never know.

Even today's epic journey home, the Circle line of the tube being closed, the screaming child on the airplane (when I had no earplugs) could not take away from the joy of being home, seeing familiar faces and knowing that I had been missed, being the centre of attention for a moment, eating at Tazza, being up for long hours and knowing that I am living. This is living. Every day is precious. I've never been more inlove and infatuated with life and all its complexities than I am today and this is okay.

What more of a sign do you need than two people both being afraid of the slimy depths of under the sea?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no, we won't play that game. Twas excellent and will always be so.