Friday, August 10, 2007

now i get it...

I always wondered why Jerry and Elaine ever broke up. I always wondered how they could have come to the conclusion that they were better off as just friends. I wondered if one party was more hurt over it than the other or if they came to this conclusion together. I watched every episode with my ear to the ground to try and figure it out but I never could. I always wished that they would get back together and that things would be rosy (shocking, I know seeing as my family has never made this dream the be-all-end-all).

Anyways, now I get it. Sometimes I wish that life were like TiVO and we could just freeze frame things at their funniest/prettiest/most intellectual and that like Miranda, I would have a lifetime supply of icecream to watch it with. However, perhaps they are the moments most precious that come inbetween the times we wish to pause. The moments where the plot thickens, the characters develop and eventually break down, the prologue and the denouement where we're at our worst/ugliest/most sleep deprived. The inbetween times where we drink coffee (or tea and diet cola, as it were), wheel and deal, scheme, cry, laugh, hurt eachother so badly that we think we'll never heal, and then BANG! we're phone stoning or watching the Liffey rise and fall and we've never been happier in our whole lives.

So yes, I do get it. Some things are better left as they are, at that pause where nothing could be more perfect, where Jerry and Elaine can share the most mundane banalities of life together and be the best of friends, no matter what, because that is the magic of television.

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