Sunday, February 4, 2007

Sometimes you only have one shoe...

I just want to say that Avra has had some of the most exceptional blunders this year and they should not go unaccounted for. The first that comes to mind was when she got rerouted from Vancouver to Edmonton before Christmas and ran into someone from Vernon whom she later accompanied to a funeral (of someone she didn't know, but always the good Samaritan went anyways as there probably wasn't much else to do in Vernon). Upon her arrival to the funeral, a family member who has long shared much disdain for Avra and who didn't seem to care that she had infact saved the day and helped said Vernonite arrive, though late, at all, says, "Well, well. Avra Laarakker. God works in mysterious ways." Well played, Avra. Next faux pas worthy of broadcast: a day or so ago Avra, once again the good Samaritan, decided to help Greg cut his hair. At first try with the clippers, they seemed a wee bit dull so she lubed 'em up and tried again. Wielding the newly lubed clippers she proceeded to buzz a reverse-mohawk up Greg's head that from what I hear looks tres bad. It's about an inch and a half wide and goes right to the scalp, which makes me laugh to beat the band, sadly at Poor Gregor's expense. The best part is that they have to go to the synagogue tomorrow and Greg looks like a skinhead. Poor Greg. He always puts up with our bullshit. All I can say is that I hope they make yamakas in XXXL. Greg, takes it like pro, and moves on and is always a good sport. If he gets stoned, as in pummeled with rocks (not as in consumes marijuana) by the synagogues' attendees, it will be a sad day indeed.

And so it is without further adieu that I salute my dear friend, my most lovely heterosexual life partner (in the vein of Jay and Silent Bob) with this: one shoe. This is the girl that is perpetually losing one shoe. It doesn't seem to matter that it is snowing outside and -20, she's only got one shoe on and we remain none the wiser. Infact, I bet she only has one on right now. Well played, buddy. Well played.

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