Thursday, July 5, 2007

has anybody seen me...

I awoke this morning earlier than I have in a while. I went to work, earlier than I have all summer. I made pleasant conversation with my coworkers, like I do everyday, and I realized how much I've grown to enjoy those first few minutes where we share the previous evening's jive. I read on the bus to school and for a moment forgot the pressing neurosis of getting my tires changed, paying the utilities, explaining my seeming indifference to one thing or another and selling my wares.

It is in these brief moments that I find some semblance of myself which I seem to have lost these last few months. There is no one to blame for this and I resolve only to be grateful for the moments of the day that pass and during which I see myself. This is not meant to be selfish or egotistical. During these brief moments that pass, for once I don't find myself wishing to be elsewhere. I'm happy and content with the friends I've made, the jobs I've done and I'm blissfully excited about moving forward with my life.

Maybe this sounds silly but I just caught a glimpse of where I'm going, what I'm doing, what I think instead of that of something or someone else. I've grown weary in this maze and I haven't seen me in a very long time.

1 comment:

bluecentrist said...

sounds like you had a moment of clarity. i meanwhile am stuck in the fog.