Sunday, July 8, 2007

hello again or good day sunshine...

It would appear that it is late again and I am up again. I thought of somethings today that make me truly ecstatic.
1. The first being the perfection of holding mittened hands, of feeling the warmth of someone else's (preferably a special sort of someone) hands through your mittens in the cold when it's snowing.
2. The second, that first awe-inspiring, dizzying inhale of "party" smoke exhaled by someone else (again, preferably the special sort of someone) into my own mouth. Sounds sorta gross but it reminds me of a first kiss. The kind that doesn't warrant a "do over".
3. Lastly, the ecstasy of good, clean fun. I know it doesn't seem to fit here, but hear me out... Playing pull the purse and laughing until you dry heave and the supposed hilarity of the situation. Going on the rides and the Stampede and trying to get all "zen" even though you're screaming at the top of your lungs. The shock value of being mooned. That never gets old.

These are the thoughts that accompany me as I try for sleep yet again. It has cooled off, only slightly and only temporarily, but the insomnia still remains.

Good day Sunshine...

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