Monday, June 25, 2007

good burns worth writing down...

I would just like to point out that calling someone a "dirt bag" or "dirt sandwich" is way funnier than I remembered. As is giving someone a "knuckle sandwich". Anything in a sandwich is pretty funny, well almost anything. I remember going to Mabel Lake with my dad when I was six and my dad threatened to give his shady friend Barry a knuckle sandwich after Barry cut his thumb off with the axe in a drunken attempt to chop wood. Even at five I thought that shit was pretty funny.

Just like I think toilet papering cars is funny. Sometimes I'm reminded that I'm actually only 13. Or drive-by mooning people. That's pretty funny, too. It's pretty crazy what sorts of inventive shit you can come up with being a youth in Vernon when you were underage and the only liquor stores out there were government owned meaning that you had to plan weeks in advance to get any booze.

Those were the days.

1 comment:

bluecentrist said...

sandwiches on your mind of late,eh?