Saturday, March 31, 2007

An apology...

Towers, I'm sorry I laughed when you barfed on the Tilt-a-whirl tonight. I'm even more sorry that I told you to try and keep it in your mouth. Or that I told you to buck up when you said you were feeling nauseous.

It's just that I love rides and I'd never seen anyone actually barf on one and we were the only people on the tilt-a-whirl and I thought you were just being dramatic. Turns out you actually got sick.

And I got the nervous laughs and I couldn't get it together and I used the rest of the tickets on the Gravatron (which was much more provocative the second time round) and I laughed and am still laughing.

Barfing is funny when it's not you who is doing it. I am sorry and I hope you've washed out your mouth. I give you full permission to laugh the next time that happens to me. I can't believe we found a Midway in this disgusting butthole of a city. And went and saw the Nosehill Fire. What a night.

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