Saturday, March 17, 2007

Beauty in the break down...

We're sitting across the couch from one another and neither of us has the answers the other is looking for. The who-yas outside are making a ruckus that we can hear from our house and we're left wondering why we're paying the rent when they're partying in the hood. T'was the same issue with the mormons though, she reminds me.

We're not talking. It's alright though. Because maybe we've talked it out. And maybe the answer is that the best times of our lives are right now and we refuse to acknowledge them in the moment they occur because hindsight is 20/20 and we're still young and think we know better.

We're on the cusp of something so big here than neither of us can put it to words. So we don't. We don't acknowledge that we're scared and we'll never be the same again as we are right now. Don't change, I beg her silently. Don't change for anyone.

When I look back, I will have remembered this moment for what it was. Someone far wiser than me once said that there's beauty in the break down. Never have truer words been uttered.

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