Friday, March 2, 2007

Facebook isn't real assholes...

Just in case you were wondering, FACEBOOK ISN'T REAL!!! No I haven't lost my teeth or grown a mullet. I can't believe I'm getting flack for putting up my favourite disgusting photo of all time on my facebook profile. People I haven't talked to in years getting up in arms about it. Honestly, if you know me at all, that photo more than sums it up. I know that my sense of humour is sick and mildly offensive. That's fine. Consider yourselves warned.

Facebook isn't real. Putting slutty/I look soooo good/hammered/pantsless photos on your facebook profile is lame. No one cares that you we're sooo drunk and managed to look super sultry and coy (which I assure you, you didn't really) or that you are super artsy and really don't care all that much about the great photo that you managed 'by accident'. And so to set the record straight, I have changed my photo to that of the very person who claimed to have hated the previous photo. So there. That's right, I'm mature.

This time I haven't lost all of my teeth, I have instead turned into Ricky from Trailer Park Boys and am sporting the most fashionable of Ravine-haircuts. Take that Bucket Richardson. Take that.